PTC’s ESG vision 2030

PTC India Limited has adopted Environment, Social and Governance Policy based on SEBI’s Business Responsibility and Sustainability reporting (BRSR) framework.

PTC’s ESG vision 2030 focuses on the following five pillars:

Governance Structure for ESG

In order to provide adequate oversight and ensure that the targets and ambitions are integrated into business, PTC has framed the following ESG governance structure:

  1. ESG committee: a Board-level committee has been set up that will review ESG performance of the company and provide critical ESG inputs to the Board of Directors.
  2. ESG Council: comprises of business/ functional heads of the major departments. ESG Council works in close co-ordination with implementation teams, across functions.

ESG Roadmap

Some of the indicative initiatives under PTC’s ESG roadmap include:


  • Conduct carbon footprint assessment across business functions
  • Reduction in paper consumption
  • Reduction in energy intensity
  • Reduction of Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions


  • Launch “Week of Giving” for employees, customers and other partners to donate time and money to the CSR causes
  • Ensure 10 hours of volunteering/employee annually
  • Launch employee benefit and wellness, and training initiatives/ programs to ensure 5% increase in employee wellness quotient Y-O-Y
  • Ensure equal opportunity for all through equal opportunity policy
  • Achieve 30% representation of women in workforce by 2030
  • Ensure 100% employee compliance to Code of Conduct and data governance and privacy policies
  • Ensure 100% supplier compliance to Supplier Code of Conduct


  • Ensure 100% employee compliance to Code of Conduct and data governance and privacy policies
  • Ensure 100% supplier compliance to Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Develop sustainability linked targets for business verticals and link to annual compensation